Beginners’ Yoga & beyond

Authentic Hatha Yoga
For all abilities
Yoga for beginners and beyond
Mondays 12.30-1.30pm
November 11 to December 9
Creigiau Golf Club, Cardiff

Beginners' Yoga and beyond

Use the booking button above to join us for an hour of bliss and benefit (limited places) on 5 Mondays from 11 November to 9 December 2024.

(Terms and conditions for classes are here)

Are you a Yoga beginner? This is the class for you.

And Cardiff Yoga teacher Amanda Powell (Anjali) demonstrates the yoga posture Warrior II or Veeriyasana 2if you’ve practised Yoga before, you’re in the right place too.

This weekly lunchtime Yoga class will improve your balance in mind and body as well as build strength and flexibility.

You’ll learn asanas (Yoga postures) to improve fitness and mobility as well as calming breathing techniques (pranayama) to help de-stress as we unite body, breath and mind for ultimate wellbeing.

The class is open to all adults and held at Creigiau Golf Club which is in beautiful, green surroundings on the north-west edge of Cardiff. There’s ample parking!

Here’s a video showing the start of a typical class.

Contact Amanda (Anjali) if you need more info, or go ahead and book by clicking the link above.

Improve the quality of your mind and body

Yoga will help you become stronger and more mobile. It’s a great way to improve general fitness, balance and flexibility – the perfect anti-ageing regime, building better core strength and back health.

But what those who are new to Yoga often don’t realise is that with regular practice, you’ll find your mental health improves too.

A calmer outlook, better sleep and improved concentration are all within ourselves – traditional Yoga can help us find that beautiful inner peace and stability. 

Is Yoga really for everyone?

If you can breathe, you can practise Yoga. 

This class is for everyone aged 18 and over with adaptations for different abilities.

Enjoy classical Hatha Yoga which draws on centuries of Ayuvedic wisdom and traditions in a class which promises variety and insight. 

If you’d like to learn techniques to help your physical and mental health become the best they can, this is the class for you. 

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