Yoga to sleep better

Dosbarth Yoga yn Gymraeg a Saesneg
All-level bilingual Yoga
All-level Yoga for adults
Pryd | When
Nos Lun | Mondays (during term-time)
Next class - Sept 2nd 2024
Amser | Time

All-level bilingual Yoga to sleep better | Yoga dwyieithog i gysgu'n well

All adults welcome – Croeso cynnes i bawb! Find balance, strength and inner peace to help you sleep better in this relaxing bilingual Hatha Yoga class on Monday evenings at Garth Olwg Lifelong Learning Centre, Church Village.

Please bring a Yoga mat, water, and wear clothes you can move in easily.

Teimlwch yn fwy cytbwys, cryf, tawel eich meddwl ac egnïol trwy Yoga hatha traddodiadol yng Nghanolfan Garth Olwg, Pentre’r Eglwys.

Dewch a mat Yoga, dwr a gwisgwch dillad cyfforddus. Croeso i ferched a dynion (dros 16 oed). 

  • Pay £7.50 when you arrive in reception or 4 weeks for £22 if paid on September 2nd. (Please note, Rachel Smith will cover these classes on September 9th and 23rd).

Please Contact Amanda (Anjali) if you have any questions.

Gwellwch eich corff a meddwl | Be better in body, mind and soul

A chance to improve your physical and mental health with traditional Hatha Yoga from India which includes, movement, breathwork (pranayama) and sound.

Mae llawer o bobl yn dechrau Yoga fel ffordd anhygoel i wella eu ffitrwydd cyffredinol, cydbwysedd a hyblygrwydd. 

Mae’n ffordd berffaith i heneiddio’n iach.

Gan ymarfer Yoga’n gyson, byddech chi’n ffeindio bydd eich iechyd meddwl yn dechrau gwella ar yr un ams

Ydy'r dosbarth hwn yn addas i imi? Who is this class for?

Os ydych yn gallu anadlu, gallech chi ymarfer Yoga.

Mae’r dosbarth hwn yn addas i bawb dros 16 oed gydag opsiynau gwahanol i bob lefel.

Open to everyone over 16, this class offers adaptations for different abilities.

Don’t think you have to be young, fit or flexible to come along. If you can breathe, you can practise Yoga.

Bring: Your Yoga mat, water to drink and maybe a cushion. Wear comfortable clothes you can move easily in.

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